Battery – 10/18/2016 – 11:12 to 13:34

At 1112hr a call was received from a 5m Trailer Boat wih1 POB .The boat was at the 20m mark off the Radio Mast with a flat battery and needed assistance.The sea conditions were good with 9-11kt wind from the NW and a 1m swell.An All Stations call was made and a...

Assistance – 10/17/2016 – 14:27 to

At 1252hr a call was received from a 5m boat with 1 POB.  The boat was east of Whale Island and had a flat battery and needed assistance. Sea conditions were good with 9kt wind from NNW and a calm sea. At 1253hr a good samaritan offered to jump start the boat and at...

Sinking Boat – 10/01/2016 – 16:24 to 18:11

At 1624hr a phone call was received from a boat that had filled with water and was beached at the Raurimu Islands. The boat was a 5m plywood boat with 3 POB. The owner believed that it could get back to Whakatane if he could keep the boat on the plane but needed...

Breakdown – 10/01/2016 – 16:53 to 20:43

At 1653hr a call was received from a 8m aluminium boat with 2 POB. The boat was at Club Rock near White Island and had lost steering and needed assistance. Whakatane Rescue was tasked to asssist after completing a current rescue. Sea conditions were reasonable...